Talk Susan

"About real people, 

For real people!"


Talk Susan is a weekly radio show (every Tuesday 1-2pm) on Sunny Govan Community Radio that provides a platform for people to chat with Susan about what they're living or lived with, in the hope that it will also enable other's to find the help and support they also need

Guests may be living with a mental illness, or other illnesses. Perhaps they're fundraising for a worthy cause. Maybe LGBTQ+ issues, or surviving domestic violence or abuse, whether they're male or female. Suicide awareness, encouraging guys to seek medical direction. Or, possibly, they're a local band/filmmaker or author wanting to promote their work

The shows are full of music too

Susan pre-records her shows, so if you'd like to have a request played, or would like to be a guest - get in touch

You can listen by tuning in to 103.5FM, via the website through the TuneIn App or your smartspeakers

SunnyG Radio is based in the heart of Govan, Glasgow (Scotland)

Susan is currently in discussion for her own TV Chat show - 'The Talk (Scot)' -  based on her radio show

Radio Presenter, Chat Show Host & more

?So, who am I

My name is Susan Sutton and I’m a radio host, TV presenter, director, producer, scriptwriter a volunteer befriender and mentor


Sometimes, I've even been known to have a day off, here and there


Although still in the discussion phase right now, I hope to be presenting a brand new TV chat show called The Talk (Scot) - so keep an eye out for that one


I have lived a life that most people would thank [insert deity here] that they haven't had to endure themselves


I've walked a mile in many shoes, including sleeping rough on the streets of London for a year, sexual abuse, and enduring abusive relationships of which, in the last one, he tried to kill me. There is more to my life, but this is a public space on which anyone of any age can see. Some things are best left to a more appropriate time and place


But here I am, a SURVIVOR. And it is through the lessons I've learned, and the trials and tribulations of my life, that I decided to turn my hand to presenting a radio show, to offer the opportunity for ordinary people (like you and I) to speak about their own lives. How they cope, or have overcome the difficulties and how they, too, have survived. Thus, hopefully, enabling listeners (and soon to be viewers) of the show to seek the help, guidance and support that they deserve


There's always plenty of music too ~ Happy times


I became a presenter and producer of my radio show after seeing an advert by Sunny Govan Community Radio on social media offering a course on how to produce a radio show. After the course ended, I was offered a 2-hour slot. Not knowing what I wanted my show to be about, I thought that the best idea was to talk about things that I KNEW about. Abuse in many forms - sexual and violent. Mental health. How to be kind, how to survive, how to be a friend and to offer support


My journey into radio began in 2014 on another radio station, and with SunnyG since 2019 and, obviously, I'm still here


I gained my HNC in Acting and Performance in 2005, and have been cast in many main or lead roles over the years. In one of the films, in which I played the lead role, was given the Best Lead Actress Award, as well as the film and the MUA herself winning awards


The film was about the day my ex had tried to kill me. It was made with the intention of that cliche of "If it can help one person, job done". Many people contacted me after it was screened, thanking me and saying that it had given them the courage to leave their own abusive relationships


Indeed - Job done


I've since taken courses at college covering mental health and counselling, and since 2018, I have been a befriendee with GAMH (Glasgow Association for Mental Health, and as a mentor with MCR Pathways since 2022


Now, I spend more time behind the camera: producing, directing and scriptwriting, but occasionally I present too

Never say never


There's no such thing as failure. I believe that you just haven't succeeded as yet


?Did you miss something

Catch a few of the lastest shows below

Unfortunately, Mixcloud only allows me to keep the current and previous 9 shows - I'm working on this to allow you to hear all of my shows to date

Testimonials & reviews by guests and listeners

Had a fantastic radio interview with one of the most loveliest woman we've ever met.

This woman needs to be recognised for her outstanding contribution to helping the public, not just through the radio but the many, many other ways she has shown support for so many different people in so many different ways

We had the pleasure of being guests on her show and are very grateful to know the person behind the voice

Thank you Susan, the impact you have on everyone's hearts is overwhelming.

You're not just a radio show host

Dove White, Glasgow

Brilliant chat with Susan on her excellent show

Please give it a listen

Love ya

The Gs

The Gilhooly's (Band)

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Business Hours

Mon - Fri
Sat - Sun
Appointment only

 Get in touch if you have a request, would like to be a guest, for more information or to leave a review of the show

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